
This is our story, and we’re sticking to it 2012: HOW IT ALL BEGAN Things were changing fast the year POSTMKTG was founded. The shift from traditional media to targeted media and search meant new opportunities were opening for startups, specialized businesses and brands with big social networks but limited advertising budgets, like educational institutions,…

BronationDay 2022 tops $206K

Just one year after an annual effort that secured funding for a synthetic turf field, CBA roared back in 2022 with an even more ambitious fundraising objective – the region’s first all-weather dome! Powered by a teaser and kickoff video campaign and an amazing “takeover” of the CBA home page, CBA raised and eye-popping $204,661K in just 16 hours.

CBA 2022 Spring Open House

Creative production has become less like car assembly and more like painting as tools and resources have become increasingly democratized. Add to that a relationship of trust between client and agency, built project by project over 7 amazing years, and campaigns like CBA’s 2022 Spring Open House are a regular result.  

The College Experience – an experience for parents too

The College Experience is an experience not just for its students, who get to live the college life, begin careers and gain the skills necessary to live independently, but also, and maybe more so, for the parents of students. In a series of unscripted testimonials, POSTMKTG helped TCE parents tell their stories. Stories of pride. Stories of surprise. Stories of wonder at the independent people their previously very dependent children have become.

Feeding New York State: billions of pounds of food

Billions of pounds of food go to waste every year in the United States. To promote Feeding New York State’s offer to assist large food generators impacted by a new law mandating food donation and recycling, Dan Egan, executive director of Feeding New York State, volunteered to have, not a billion pounds of food, but a couple of thousand at least, dumped on his head.

Our food donation and recycling promotion is only the latest in our pandemic-long effort on behalf of Feeding New York State which as also included fundraising and donation management, farmer outreach, public relations, social media, lobbying support, web development and application support.