Rewiring the world, and saving it at the same time
Microgrids managing an array of distributed energy resources (DERs) – solar, battery and hydrogen fuel cells – are theoretically capable of delivering combustion-free, zero-emission electrical power at scale. But the technical problem of building microgrids from components supplied by competing vendors, and the bureaucratic problem of integrating microgrids into a centralized power production and distribution system, have stymied development and rollout.
The two-year-old MIT-born startup Heila Technologies has a solution. Heila’s hardware/software platform uses game theory to turn otherwise dumb DERs into independent intelligent agents that can socialize, hypothesize and self-organize.
Heila (pronounced ‘hay-la’) turned to POSTMKTG to help it rapidly mature its brand, jump the company’s website a couple of generations into the future, and aggressively position and promote its product to five key targets – vendors, utilities, developers, energy users and public officials.
POSTMKTG specializes in creating compelling brands and effective promotional strategies for clients in manufacturing and technology.
After just a couple of sit-downs in Boston, and a single meeting with a dozen or so California community energy organization executives at Stone Edge Farms in Sonoma, POSTMKTG delivered a full brand, identity and website. Total time from project initiation to website launch ahead of the 2020 industry trade show season was less than two months! Product rollout has already begun, and proposals for city-scale applications are in the pipeline.