What we’ve been up to lately

The College Experience propelled to record enrollment

The College Experience Home PageThe College Experience is a 2-year program hosted at The College of Saint Rose. The program provides young adults with disabilities the support, skills, confidence, internships and work experiences they need to gain independence and live engaged, productive and happy lives.

POSTMKTG has helped Living Resources more than double enrollment in The College Experience.

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CBA finds serious success

CBA Fall Open House StillThe students at CBA are just like students at every other private or public middle school or high school … except when they aren’t. Like when its time to put on the uniform and get serious about the day’s studies. Or time to march in formation at a Veterans Day parade. Or when the National Anthem is played before a game.

Since partnering with POSTMKTG, CBA has seen a 42% increase in enrollment , raised $10 million across two successful capital campaigns, introduced a new annual giving day which raised an astounding $604,000 in 16 hours in 2023, redesigned its bi-annual magazine, revised and relaunched its website (twice!), added several scholarship programs and reengaged its alumni and supporter network.

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A dramatic comeback: the history of sports at AHN

AHN Athletic Hall of Fame mural and 1913 yearbookPOSTMKTG is thrilled to have helped Academy of the Holy Names rediscover its proud 110-year history of athletics and put it on display. A new 150-foot mural celebrates milestones and nearly forgotten memories.

Dedicated to AHN’s long-time athletic directory, Carlo Cherubino, the athletic mural and its accompanying text required hours of research. Every yearbook published from 1910 on (which were all carefully stored in AHN’s temperature controlled archive) was carefully reviewed, photographed and cross referenced with period newspaper clippings, letters and memoirs, journal articles, photographs and other sources. Piece by piece, an amazing story emerged … one that no living member of the AHN community was even aware!

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History in the making

AHN History MuralThe history of women in education since the mid-nineteenth century has been lovingly preserved in a temperature-controlled archive at Academy of the Holy Names in Albany, New York. But folders, photos, racks of uniforms and shelves of yearbooks don’t, by themselves, tell a story.

For the story, AHN turned to POSTMKTG.

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Helping New Yorkers raise their voices and say, “food is a basic human right!”

Hunger Relief Video StillThough the pandemic is waning, with inflation up, too many New Yorkers are still struggling to feed their families. This video, part of an ongoing print, PR and social media campaign, was produced on behalf of Feeding New York State to boost community awareness and engagement, and encourage viewers to sign a petition asking government officials to support continued full funding of hunger relief programs.

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Heila joins the Kohler brand family

HeilaiQ landing pageThe claim made by the freshly-minted MIT grads at Heila at our first meeting in 2019 was quite extraordinary: The unreliability and wastefulness (not to mention climate destroying potential) of the 100-year old U.S. centralized power grid could be undone and rectified with game theory.

It didn’t take genius to sense these young engineers were onto something. But it did take some work to translate their enthusiasm into a story others could understand.

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On behalf of two amazing organizations

It’s a balance. We’re in business. And for the most part that means trading services for a fee. But occasionally we’ll cross paths with an amazing organization doing amazing work that just needs a little help building a professional website.

Recently, we adopted two: The Underground Railroad Education Center and the Joshua Project of Schoharie County.

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BronationDay 2022 tops $206K

Just one year after an annual effort that secured funding for a synthetic turf field, CBA roared back in 2022 with an even more ambitious fundraising objective – the region’s first all-weather dome! Powered by a teaser and kickoff video campaign and an amazing “takeover” of the CBA home page, CBA raised and eye-popping $204,661K in just 16 hours.

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Feeding NYS: in support of SNAP

Feeding NYS: in support of SNAP A Feeding New York State and Tops Friendly Markets co-promotion in support of enhanced ...

One for the history books, er, walls!

One for the history books, er, walls! POSTMKTG’s promotional campaign in support of Academy of the Holy Names’ Giving Tuesday ...
Grace Bartow


Unleashing a year of pent-up energy all at once! What happens when you unleash a year’s worth of quarantine energy ...

Feeding New York State Seeks to End Produce Waste

Feeding NYS seeks to end produce waste 1.2 billion pounds of produce goes to waste every year in New York ...

Heila: Game Theory Saves the World

Heila: Game Theory Save the World PROBLEM Microgrids managing an array of distributed energy resources (DERs) – solar, battery and ...
Ronald Ladouceur 5 Questions

Video: Five Questions for Ronald Ladouceur

In addition to his duties as POSTMKTG's principal and founder, Ronald Ladouceur, also teaches branding and marketing at the University ...

BOCES Launches “Airbnb-like” Artist Directory

BOCES helps schools and artists connect The new Arts & Enrichment Directory for Capital Region BOCES turns the task of ...

Ron Ladouceur Featured as the First Guest on ‘Marketing Mindshare’

Barnum, branding and beyond POSTMKTG’s Ron Ladouceur join host (and former student) Dean DeCarlo on the inaugural episode of Mission ...

Table Rock PR Pours Forth

Table Rock PR pours forth In a 10-day PR blitz, POSTMKTG client Table Rock Infrastructure Partners rode a wave of ...

Purchase College: A Revolutionary Crowdsourced College Website

A revolutionary crowdsourced college website The new Purchase College website is live. And we could not be prouder! Throughout the ...

Building a B2B Campaign Out of Two Pieces of Paper and a Paperclip

Building a B2B campaign out of two pieces of paper and a paperclip Trade journals are dead. But for regional ...

Unilux Re-Launches World-Class Boiler Brand

Unilux re-launches world-class boiler brand Located, to the surprise of some, just outside the city Schenectady in upstate New York, ...

Albany Community Charter School Seeks Mission-Driven Teachers

Seeking mission-driven teachers POSTMKTG has been working with Albany Community Charter School for several years. Without fail, our spirits are ...

With a Goal No Less Lofty Than Changing How U.S. Infrastructure is Funded!

With a goal no less lofty than changing how U.S. infrastructure is funded It was all hands on deck this ...

Office Expansion In Progress

Office expansion in progress POSTMKTG’s flood-accelerated expansion is well underway. Just nine days after being washed out by a freak ...

POSTMKTG Principal and Founder Honored

POSTMKTG principal and founder honored Ron on LinkedInRonald Ladouceur, POSTMKTG’s principal and founder, was honored by his alma mater, State ...

Hard to Be Easy: Living By the GDS’ 10 Design Principles

Hard to be easy: Living by the GDS’ 10 design principles [From the POSTMKTG archives] Former Weiden+Kennedy creative Ben Terrett ...

Ribbon Cutting

It’s official! Thank you to everyone who attended our ribbon cutting. Special shout-outs to Mayor Gary McCarthy (who declared May ...

New Studio Now Open

New studio now open POSTMKTG is thrilled to announce the opening of our new office at 30 Jay Street, Schenectady, ...

Green Tech Unscripted

Green Tech unscripted As principal Dr. Paul Miller of Green Tech Charter High School states, “most districts in the country ...

On the Occassion of Your Baby Business’ First Birthday …

On the occasion of your baby business’ first birthday This story was written by a dear friend, Amy Bellcourt, VP ...