On the occasion of your baby business’ first birthday
This story was written by a dear friend, Amy Bellcourt, VP of Communications at SCA AMERICAS. She wrote it in response to a general request for greetings I might use to celebrate the first anniversary of POSTMKTG. It was not what I’d expected. As is typical of Amy, it was so much more.
I often equate the development of a business to that of a child. So I researched what the average 1-year-old should be doing by now and what you can expect on the journey to 2. I’ve used some web references and added a few thoughts of my own. Let’s see how it fits:
Your baby’s first big birthday has arrived! As you celebrate, think back on the last 12 months as a time of incredible growth and development. In just one year, your baby has transformed from a completely helpless newborn into an independent little person (an independent little business, in your case).
What lies ahead?
Everything is new and interesting to one-year-olds. They enthusiastically use their five senses to actively explore the world around them. Continue to find pleasure in causing things to happen and in completing basic tasks. Your one-year-old enthusiasm will lead you to want to make it happen again and again and again!
Emotionally, one-year-olds are just learning to recognize and manage their feelings. They experience a wide range of emotions and have tantrums when they are tired or frustrated (or dealing with a trying client or vendor partner). Try to avoid the one-year old behaviors of responding to conflict by hitting, biting, screaming or crying.
One-year-olds seek autonomy and may say, “No!” to adult suggestions or insist that they, “Do byself!” Then, moments later, they might cling to an adult’s leg or ask for help. Remember, you’re just one, it’s okay to ask for help!
One-year-olds are just discovering their creative abilities (you are clearly ahead of the pack here!). Their interest in art is focused on the sensory exploration of art materials, such as paint and clay. Children this age make an important developmental leap by beginning to pretend during play, often by imitating adult movements. Will you pretend to take on some of the ways of ‘adult’ companies this year?
One of the most obvious changes that you will notice in your child this year are in the area of physical development. Most one-year-olds typically move from crawling to running by about 20 months. Their gait is a bit awkward and clumsy and falls are common. They use their new mobility to push and pull toys, dance and climb.
As you start Year 2, my wish is that your gait steadies, you continue to find pleasure in new activities and that you make time to dance and climb!
Congratulations and well done!
Amy, I can’t promise I’ll avoid the one-year old behaviors of responding to conflict by hitting, biting, screaming or crying, but I will try.