Manufacturers, educational institutions, financial and legal consultants and human service organizations from across the country turn to POSTMKTG to create brands that inspire, empower and drive word of mouth.
Web, Social & Targeted
Digital has leveled the playing field, allowing brands of even modest size to compete regionally, nationally and internationally. POSTMKTG specializes in the integration and exploitation of all things digital – web, web apps, SEO, email, search, display and social.
Advertising & Promotion
Never say never. While marketing has moved, radically and permanently, away from traditional media and toward targeted digital, paid display, sponsorships, social media, events and pop-ups, remain alert. Because traditional advertising is deployed so much less frequently, it has, ironically, acquired a newfound power to stand out and surprise.
Content Marketing
POSTMKTG takes particular pride in our ability to create high-value content for clients in engineering, education, finance and other technical fields – videos, white papers, web applications. More importantly, we know how to leverage this content to drive traffic and generate leads.
Public Relations
Along with digital marketing, public relations has emerged as a core service in the social media era. POSTMKTG monitors the news landscape to connect clients to press opportunities and earn a disproportionate share of voice.
Analytics and Insights
One of the coolest things about digital marketing is the valuable data it generates. POSTMKTG helps clients understand what their data is saying so they can use it as an intelligence tool to drive product design and business evolution.