We had been wandering around in the branding wilderness. POSTMKTG sat us down, drew everything we knew out of us, and turned it right into who we actually are and what we actually sell.

When asked what we do, we usually answer, “branding and marketing.” But that doesn’t quite communicate the uniqueness and depth of our services.
So let’s answer that question with an example – Table Rock Infrastructure Partners.
Over the last half decade, POSTMKTG has worked with San Francisco-based Table Rock Infrastructure Partners, positioning the early stage investors as key development, design and build partners, and managerial experts in the rapidly emerging areas of municipal waste water management and zero-carbon power production.
Well known across the country as P3, or public private sector partnership experts, and managers since 2012 of water services for the City of Rialto, California, Table Rock, supported by branding, web design, promotional and public relations services from POSTMKTG, most recently helped shepherd Heila Technologies, inventors of a revolutionary game theory-based microgrid power management solution, from start-up to acquisition by the Kohler Power Group, a division of Wisconsin-based Kohler Co.
We had been wandering around in the branding wilderness. POSTMKTG sat us down, drew everything we knew out of us, and turned it right into who we actually are and what we actually sell.