CBA finds serious success
The students at CBA are just like students at every other private or public middle school or high school … except when they aren’t. Like when its time to put on the uniform and get serious about the day’s studies. Or time to march in formation at a Veterans Day parade. Or when the National Anthem is played before a game.
The all-boys Catholic school is not for everyone. But for young men (and their parents) attracted to a tradition of camaraderie, academic and athletic excellence, self-discipline and service, it is an incomparable option.
In the years we have worked together, CBA has seen a 42% increase in enrollment (while nearly all other regional private schools have experienced significant declines), raised $10 million across two successful capital campaigns, introduced a new annual giving day powered by a POSTMKTG-built custom giving platform which raised an astounding $604,000 in 16 hours in 2023, built a new wing, added a fifth grade, built a dome, redesigned its bi-annual magazine, revised and relaunched its website (twice!), added several scholarship programs and reengaged its alumni and supporter network.