Heila joins the Kohler brand family

HeilaiQ landing pageThe claim made by the freshly-minted MIT grads at Heila at our first meeting in 2019 was quite extraordinary: The unreliability and wastefulness (not to mention climate destroying potential) of the 100-year old U.S. centralized power grid could be undone and rectified with game theory.

It didn’t take genius to sense these young engineers were onto something. But it did take some work to translate their enthusiasm into a story others could understand.


This is our story, and we’re sticking to it 2012: HOW IT ALL BEGAN Things were changing fast the year POSTMKTG was founded. The shift from traditional media to targeted media and search meant new opportunities were opening for startups, specialized businesses and brands with big social networks but limited advertising budgets, like educational institutions,…

BronationDay 2022 tops $206K

Just one year after an annual effort that secured funding for a synthetic turf field, CBA roared back in 2022 with an even more ambitious fundraising objective – the region’s first all-weather dome! Powered by a teaser and kickoff video campaign and an amazing “takeover” of the CBA home page, CBA raised and eye-popping $204,661K in just 16 hours.

Grace Bartow


Unleashing a year of pent-up energy all at once! What happens when you unleash a year’s worth of quarantine energy all at once? You get a record-setting giving day. Academy of the Holy Names raised more than $55,000 during ALLINFORAHN 2021, more than doubling its previous year’s totla, on the strength of 9 ‘from the…